A few words about

What We Do

WAKiDA foundation is an education focused entity that exists to promote and protect the rights of all children and youth to a holistic quality education as demanded by the 21st century. We focus on education because not only is it a fundamental human right, statistics by the National Planning Authority (NPA) indicates that it contributes 50% to human capital development.

Wakida vocational
Our Core Program Focus Areas
1. Education
2. Climate Consciousness
3. Community Engagement and Empowerment
4. Skilling for gainful employment and free enterprise

Children and Youth In school – Holistic Education: All-round learners fit for the 21st century.

Out Of school Children and Youth – Skilled and Productive.

 — Special focus on education of Pregnant girls and Teenage Mothers: We promote models for their education.

Community Engagement  and Empowerment

We advocate for and build pathways for parental involvement in education for improved learning outcomes.


Climate Consciousness: Building for posterity.  We nurture skills, values, attitudes and practices that uphold climate integrity.

Social Enterprises: A Skills Centre – For Training, Production & Marketing.